Based on studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, windows are responsible for 25 to 30 percent of the total heat gains and losses of the HVAC system based on energy consumption. Having dirty windows means less light passes into your home, and this leads directly to less space being heated by the sun, and more work for your HVAC system in the winter. By keeping your windows properly cleaned you can also enjoy the benefits of reduced energy bills over time because you will need to spend less electricity to make sure everything inside is at an appropriate temperature.
During the summer months, this same principle also applies at night time when your home is cooling off. Dirty windows can trap unwanted heat inside your home, and create extra work for your HVAC system over time as well. Aside from reduced energy costs, cleaning your windows regularly can also have a noticeable impact on the workload of your HVAC system, which will enhance overall performance extending its service life.
At a 15% overall energy savings, you actually save money by getting your windows cleaned annually.
Keeping windows clean help keep Low-E coatings and Low-E insulation functioning as intended. Dirt particles that build up on your window lower your home’s heating efficiency, so the dirtier your windows are, the less sun is able to penetrate and warm your home.
The team at Squeegee Pros, Inc. based out of Charlotte, NC are absolute experts in creating value in your window cleaning experience. Our certified service experts go through a 40 hour, 76 point approved training checklist before they touch your glass. Once they start, there’s an 8-Step meticulous cleaning process guaranteeing no streaks or drips when finished. Reach out for an estimate experience