Everyone’s heard the old saying “you get what you pay for.” This idiom is typically used to illustrate the tragic tale of purchasing an item that is priced fairly, but winds up breaking or not working as promised. In our modern day society this phrase has become a tool of persuasion in an attempt to convince customers that their pricing is justified. Unfortunately, many good people find themselves over-paying for sub-par service and a catchy name.
What’s in a name? Take a moment to look at the very device you are reading from. Why did you choose this product? As a culture we are obsessed with quality and dependability. We want our purchases to work well and endure great lengths of time. If the manufacturer of your computer didn’t have positive reviews associated with it would you have purchased it? The answer is no. A company’s name and reputation become synonymous.
Squeegee Pros is no different. Since April of 1996 we have been providing professional window washing services to both businesses and residents of the Charlotte Area. Early on, we recognized that good service wasn’t good enough. Good simply means adhering to or fulfilling a particular cause. There’s good service everywhere, but how many times can you say you’ve had outstanding service?

Our exceptional service has allowed us to become a dependable name within each community we serve. We believe that you are more than just a customer, and your home is an extension of how you care and provide for your family. During each service we ensure that every member of your household is acknowledged. Our technicians are supplied with treats for your pets and stickers for the kids. Who does that?
Don’t just take our word for it though. Squeegee Pros has over 1,000 “A” ratings on Angie’s List as well as hundreds of customer reviews and testimonials. Listed below are some additional examples of how our name is backed by outstanding service.
· Satisfaction is guaranteed.
· We will arrive on time (or you will receive a phone call).
· We clean windows all year round.
· We always wear shoe covers when in your home.
· References available upon request.
· Easy, flexible residential scheduling and commercial storefront auto-scheduling.
· We always return phone calls.
· Free on site estimate (we can give you an idea of price over the phone but we will gladly give you a firm on site estimate).
· We actually really do Safety Meetings and we actually do carry Worker’s Compensation.
· Convenience: Dedicated phone staff, no-hassle service plan.
· Background checks. We don’t just hire anyone.
We are confident that you will love the way we do business. To experience Squeegee Pros World Class Service, contact us today. We would love to speak with you and provide you with a detailed estimate. We guarantee that you’ll experience the highest level of window cleaning and pressure washing services available. We’re more than a name, we’re an example of quality and dependability. Let us prove why we are the best.
Eryn, Commercial Administrator
Squeegee Pros, Inc.
Home of NC’s Best Window Washers
Reply Here: Residential@SqueegeePros.com