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All of Squeegee Pros’ service experts providing residential window cleaning in Mooresville, NC, are 100% vetted, including:
Some of our window cleaning contractors are in college, coming back year after year. Others are hanging their hat here as a stepping stone to their life dreams. And still, others have been here for 3, 6, 14, and 16 years making a career opportunity with us.
Each and every team member arrives in a company-provided SqueegeeMobile and is dressed in company-approved attire, smiling and in a pleasant mood. We take very special care not to track in mud or dirt from the outside when cleaning the inside windows. Further, during our home window washing services, our trained experts will always stay on their best behavior and won’t do anything to make you or your family feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
Squeegee Pros professional window cleaners are permanent employees who have been through a full background check and are subject to random drug testing. We would never allow someone to come to your residence for home window cleaning that we would not be comfortable servicing in our own home. We do everything possible to ensure your security and confidence in our employees.
Squeegee Pros services are competitively priced, and our estimates are calculated by the pane for our home window washing services. We routinely check the marketplace to be sure our prices are lower or, at most, right in line with reputable, insured competing companies. Click to review our window cleaning pricing guidelines. No surprises.
Does your sprinkler system spray your glass? Do you see scratches on your windows when the sun passes over? Glass scratches and hard water stains are numerous and can occur at any point during the life of a window. The use of high-quality industrial-grade cleaning agents and professional know-how can save you 40% to 60% of the cost of glass replacement while maintaining the structural integrity of the surrounding window frames and sills. Squeegee Pros can help eliminate or reduce the appearance of:
Reaching out to our professional window cleaning services guarantees thoroughly clean and streak-free windows. The expertise of the Squeegee Pros team means every part of the glass gets a deep clean without the usual smudges left behind by household cleaners.
Our window cleaning team uses the right tools to deliver a streak-free shine, which keeps your clean windows looking pristine for longer. The meticulous attention to detail we bring to every project is hard to achieve when cleaning windows yourself, especially when dealing with tricky areas like window panes.
Trying to clean windows on upper levels can be dangerous without the right equipment. Further, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you may end up damaging your windows in the process. Rather than risk a serious injury or accident, place your trust in our locally-owned window-washing company.
Squeegee Pros is home to a professional window cleaning team that has the experience needed to navigate tough-to-reach spots, preventing accidents and avoiding any damage to your windows. Additionally, our techniques protect your home’s exterior from unnecessary damage, keeping both you and your windows safe during the process.
Using our professional window cleaning services is highly convenient and saves you a lot of time and effort. Instead of spending hours trying to achieve clean and clear windows, a skilled window cleaner from our team can do the job quickly and efficiently.
This leaves you free to focus on other important tasks, while the Squeegee Pros team handles the cleaning process. For homeowners with busy schedules, calling in our experts is the easiest way to maintain a sparkling, clean home without the hassle
The next time you need window washing for a home in North or South Carolina, Squeegee Pros will have your back! Our talented and capable team proudly serves residents of Fort Mill, Rock Hill, and Tega Cay, SC, and families living in Charlotte, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, and Statesville, NC, and has done so for many years.
Of course, we handle more than just residential window cleaning around Mooresville, NC. As a trusted pressure washing company, we offer several other services as well, including:
Should you have any questions regarding our residential window cleaning services, don’t hesitate to reach out to Squeegee Pros for answers! We’ll happily explain anything you want to know about window cleaning, as well as our pressure washing services and gutter cleaning services.
Certified and Safety Trained by the International Window Cleaning Association:
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